

  • 1% improvement everyday ,makes you 37 times better in a year, while getting worse 1% everyday will take you back to ZERO. Compounding works the same way as money.

  • Small changes matter a lot. Results don’t come immediately. So, don’t slide into bad habits or previous habits. Remember, a small degree shift in the angle makes a larger difference in the direction.

  • Focus only on the current trajectory.

  • Breakdown a goal into multiple small segments.

Habits compound!


  1. Productivity compounds - work on one extra task per day, automate for more time for yourself.
  2. Knowledge compounds - one new idea a day
  3. Relationships compound
  4. Stress compounds
  5. Negative thoughts compound
  6. Outrage compound

Plataeu of latent potential

  • There is always a threshold for the results to reflect Ex - Ice cube, bamboo, earthquake etc..

Systems » Goals

  • Optimize for the best result. Score takes care of itself.
  • Process based. Small consistent improvements.
  • Goals are same for winners or losers. They only give you direction.
  • Survivorship bias - we only concentrate on the people who are winning - the survivors
  • Fix the inputs, outputs fix themselves
  • Goals restrict your happiness
  • Long term thinking » goals.
  • You do not rise to the level of your goals, but fall to the level of your system!

Changing identities are the fundamental way to change yourself

  • Process » outcomes
  • Three levels of change -
    • Outcome change
    • Process change
    • Identity change (most effective)
  • Use habits to change beliefs about youself.
  • Don’t aim for big money, think of yourself as rich instead. Don’t aim to exercise daily, instead think of yourself as an athlete. Don’t aim to learn a music instrument, think you are a musician instead.
  • Habits are the best paths to change identity.
  • Evidence of everyday change. No one-offs.
  1. Decide who you want to be - pinciples and values
  2. Prove it to yourseld with small wins